BIO Repair Body Care Night Cellulite Reducer 150 ml
Parim enne: 30.09.2027
11.99 €
Öine tselluliidi vähendaja – Bio Repair Body Care tselluliidipalsam loodi uuendusliku NOCTURSHAPE tehnoloogia abil, mis kasutab keha igapäevast rütmi. Need muudavad tselluliidi vähem nähtavaks ja naha ühtlasemaks, siledamaks ja pringimaks!
Palsam sisaldab NOCTURSHAPE Blue Ingredient koostisosa, mis vähendab intensiivselt tselluliiti öösel. See on siis, kui une ajal töötavad “öised” valgud ja osalevad rasvarakkude kogunemises kehas, mis viib tselluliidi tekkeni. Tänu Bio Repair Body Care tselluliidi vähendaja kasutamisele on võimalik peatada rasvarakkude kogunemine. Selle tulemusena väheneb tselluliidi tükkide ja nahaturse nähtavus.
Tselluliidi vähendaja mõju on nähtav pärast 15-päevast regulaarset kasutamist. Seejärel vähendab see apelsinikoore – tselluliiti, silub ja pinguldab nahka ning vähendab reie ümbermõõtu umbes 1 cm võrra.
Palsam sisaldab ka teisi toimeaineid, et toetada niisutust, salenemist ja noorendamist ning naha taaselustamist. Tänu rohelise tee sisaldusele kiirendab see rasvapõletust, samas kui makadaamia- ja sojaõlid ning sheavõi tõstavad naha niisutus- ja pehmustaset ning toetavad seeläbi selle elastsust ja tugevust.
2 in stock
Sold By: EluvägiDescription
Night cellulite reducer – Bio Repair Body Care cellulite balm was created with the use of the innovative NOCTURSHAPE technology that uses the daily rhythm of the body. They make cellulite less visible and the skin even smoother and firmer!
The balm contains the NOCTURSHAPE Blue Ingredient, which intensively reduces cellulite during the night. This is when, during sleep, the “nighttime” proteins work and are involved in the build-up of fat cells in the body, leading to the formation of cellulite. Thanks to the use of Bio Repair Body Care cellulite reducer, it is possible to stop the accumulation of fat cells. As a result, the visibility of cellulite lumps and skin swelling is reduced.
The effects of the cellulite reducer are visible after 15 days of regular use. It then reduces the orange peel – cellulite, smoothes and firms the skin and reduces the circumference of the thighs by about 1 cm.
The balm also uses other active ingredients to support hydration, slimming and rejuvenation and skin revitalization. Thanks to the content of green tea, the balm accelerates fat burning, while macadamia and soy oils, as well as shea butter, increase the level of hydration and lubrication of the skin, and thus support its elasticity and firmness.
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