Biowaste Composter 300L


NB! Tutorial price

Two-wheel rotary composter for smaller businesses and households

  • Your problem – our solution
  • We turn your problem into clean soil
  • A quick and odour-free solution to your waste problem

If you generate any organic food waste and you have:

  • Your garden
  • Housing association in a residential area
  • You live in a communal housing estate (e.g. in a community), a restaurant, a company canteen and a canteen (school, hospital, company)
  • Supermarket or shopping centre
  • Airport, port terminal and marina
  • Farm, fish farm and other agro-industrial establishment
  • Horticultural enterprise or park and garden maintenance enterprise
  • Wastewater treatment plants (EDAR) for composting sludge

1 in stock

Sold By: Eluvägi


How can we make sorting bio-waste an enjoyable activity?

It all starts at home. If we can sort our own waste at home, we will sort more at our workplaces, at relatives’ or friends’ and we will create a positive habit for our children.

Multicomp 2 comes to the rescue

  • Treats biowaste from 4-6 people
  • 300 L capacity
  • Dimensions: diameter 750 mm; width 1090 mm
  • Weight: 60kg
  • Insulation thickness: 7 cm
  • Ventilation openings
  • Control thermometer
  • Adjustable height
  • Inaccessible to rodents and insects

Installation instructions

  • Choose a suitable location for daily use, preferably in a shady place. Avoid direct sunlight and rain.
  • Adjust the feet to the desired height using screws.
  • Lift the composter onto the forks on the legs. You will need the help of another person to install the composter comfortably and safely.
  • The composter hatches should be in a near vertical position for easy opening (10 – 15°).
  • Place the composting hatches in place.
  • Before turning the composter, remember to close the hatches and latches.

How to compost bio-waste?

  • Collect bio-waste in a bucket and shred it before placing it in the composter to speed up composting.
  • Start in one bin and when it is full of bio-waste, continue filling the other bin.
  • Each time you fill the composter, turn it one round so that the bio-waste mixes better and the composting process can run at full speed.
  • If necessary, add a scoopful of special composting mix.
  • Each time you add bio-waste, you should notice that the bio-waste being composted will evaporate due to the composting process.
  • In 4-6 weeks the composting soil will be ready.

What to do with the resulting compost?

Use the resulting valuable compost soil for planting houseplants, in the garden or give it to your good grasshopper friend.

Good idea

If you have a nice and cheerful neighbour or a friendly community, you can buy one composter and feed it collectively. You share the compost amongst your friends.

Biojäätmete Komposteerija 300L
Biowaste Composter 300L