Brazil nuts 150g

Parim enne: 22.03.2025


Country of origin: Bolivia

Painter: Rhumveld Baltic

2 in stock

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Sold By: BioLife
SKU: RH-675 Categories: ,


Brazil nuts: like all nuts, Brazil nuts are rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium compounds. However, Brazil nuts are particularly noteworthy for their very high selenium content. The amount of selenium in a bag of Brazil nuts is between 1500 and 1900 micrograms. Most of this is associated with special proteins known as selenoproteins. A person’s daily selenium requirement is between 50 and 130 micrograms, depending on sex, age, body weight, activity level, etc.. Consequently, just a few brazil nuts are sufficient to cover the daily selenium requirement. Selenium is necessary for the human body for a number of reasons: as a component of antioxidant defence enzymes, in the development of immune responses, in the synthesis of co-hormones, in the deactivation of endocrine disrupters, in the inhibition of the absorption of toxic cellular metals, etc.. In addition to selenium, Brazil nuts also contain considerable amounts of other trace elements: zinc, manganese, copper and iron.

This product bears the Food and Veterinary Office label: EE-ÖKO-03.

Further information:ähkel

Brazil nuts 150g
Brazil nuts 150g
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