Allergiat Leevendav Tee 25tk/2g BIO

Parim enne: 04.08.2026


Ökoloogiline tee, soovitatav allergia korral. Tees sisalduvad ürtide ja puuviljade omadused võivad olla abiks inimestele, kes on erinevate ainete suhtes allergilised.

Koostisosad: ohakaürt * 15%, hariliku silmarohu ürt *, põldmuraka lehed *, vaarika marjad *, kibuvitsa marjad *, takjajuur *, artemisia leht *, nõgeseleht *, saialille kroonlehed *, madaraürt *, võilillejuur *

* mahepõllumajandustoode

Valmistamine: Vala ühe kotikese peale klaas keeva vett ja lase kaane all tõmmata 10-15 minutit. Joo kaks korda päevas.

Säilitamine: Hoida toatemperatuuril tihedalt suletud anumas.

1 laos

Sold By: Eluvägi


Ecological tea recommended in case of allergies, express tea in bags, easy to brew. The properties of herbs and fruits in this tea can be helpful for people who are allergic to various substances.

Usage: Pour a glass of boiling water over one sachet and leave it to infuse for 10-15 minutes, covered. Drink twice a day.

Ingredients: thistle herb * 15%, firefly herb *, blackberry leaf *, raspberry fruit *, cinquefoil hen *, rose fruit *, burdock root *, artemisia leaf *, nettle leaf *, marigold petals *, herb hugs *, dandelion root * in various proportions / * organic farming product

Storage: Store at room temperature in a tightly closed container.

The package contains 25 x 2g

Organismi Happesust Vähendav Tee 25tk/2g BIO
Allergiat Leevendav Tee 25tk/2g BIO