Läätse Seemned Idandamiseks 50g BIO

Parim enne: 01.02.2025


2 laos

Sold By: Eluvägi


Läätsed – orgaanilised seemned idandamiseks (50g)

Võrsed on väga varases kasvufaasis taimed. Need on madala kalorsusega ja väärtuslikud. Neid regulaarselt tarbides saame kogeda seda elujõudu ja energiavoogu.

Idud on maailma kõige elulisem toit, sest neid süüakse siis, kui taim on nii elujõuline kui ei kunagi varem. Need on olnud tervisliku toitumise osa tuhandeid aastaid. Idud sisaldavad palju rauda, ​​magneesiumi, vaske, tsinki, fosforit ja kaltsiumi. Idud on A-, B-, C- ja E-vitamiini allikad. Kergesti seeditavad, tugevdavad organismi. Idudel on positiivne mõju hammaste seisundile.

Idandid sisaldavad kontsentreeritud koguses vitamiine, mineraalaineid, valke, ensüüme ja palju muid väärtuslikke aineid. Kõik koostisained imenduvad organismis kergesti. Kahtlemata on idandid tervisliku toitumise suurepärane element.

Läätsedel on ainulaadsed tervist toetavad omadused, kuna see on paljude toitainete varamu. Läätsed on kergesti seeditava valgu allikas, samuti rasedatele vajalik vererõhku alandava kaaliumi ja foolhappe sisaldusega.

Koostis:  läätseseemned * 100% * mahepõllumajandustoode

Kodus valmistame idud järgmiselt:

Loputage seemned ja seejärel leotage neid leiges keedetud vees. Väiksemate seemnete leotusaeg on 4-6 tundi, suuremate seemnete puhul 10-12 tundi. Loputa uuesti, pane lamedasse anumasse, mis on vooderdatud nt. marli ja jätke see neli kuni kuus päeva soojas pimedas kohas. Kastke kaks korda päevas vähese veega, kurnake liigne vesi anumast välja.

Koostis: 100% läätse seemned.

Säilitustingimused: Hoida tihedalt suletud anumas, kuivas ja jahedas kohas.

Lentils – Organic seeds for sprouts (50g)

Sprouts are plants in a very early growth stage. They are low in calories and valuable. By consuming them regularly, we can experience this vitality and energy flow.

Sprouts are the most vital food in the world because they are eaten when the plant is as viable as never before. They have been part of a healthy diet for thousands of years. They contain a lot of iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus and calcium. They are a source of vitamins A, B, C and E. Easily digestible, they strengthen the body. They have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

Sprouts contain concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and many other valuable substances. All ingredients are easily absorbed by the body. Undoubtedly, sprouts are an excellent element of a healthy diet.

Lentils have unique pro-health properties, as it is a treasury of many nutrients. Lentils are a source of easily digestible protein, as well as potassium-lowering blood pressure and folic acid necessary for pregnant women.

Ingredients :  lentils seeds * 100%   * organic farming product

At home, we prepare the sprouts as follows:

Rinse the seeds and then soak them in lukewarm, boiled water. The soaking time for smaller seeds is 4-6 hours, for larger seeds 10-12 hours. Rinse again, put it in a flat container lined with e.g. gauze and leave it for four to six days in a warm, dark place. We water a little water twice a day, draining the excess water in a container.

Composition: lentils 100% seeds.

Storage conditions: Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place.


Sidrunisuhkur 15tk pakis BIO
Läätse Seemned Idandamiseks 50g BIO